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Comparison of the effect of LASIK parameters on the percent tissue altered (1-dimensional metric) versus percent volume altered (3-dimensional metric). Gatinel D, Saad A, Binder P. Journal of Cataract And Refract Surg, article in press (June 2018)

  Can purely axial metrics such as PTA (Percentage of Tissue Altered) predict with reasonable accuracy the ratios of tissue volumes implied in LASIK surgery? To our knowledge, the ratios between the volume of the cornea and that of the tissues involved in LASIK surgery have never been computed. This might allow clinicians to better […]

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Ectasia in a thin cornea (1999)

This case is my oldest documented report of corneal ectasia. LASIK was performed in 1999 in a 30 yo man, and the preoperative topography screening was obtained using the slit scanning based ORBSCAN I instrument (the first version of the device did not have a Placido disk). Preoperatively, the cornea of the right eye (RE) […]

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