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Using Artificial Intelligence and Novel Polynomials to Predict Subjective Refraction. Rampat R, Debellemanière G, Malet J, Gatinel D. Sci Rep 10, 8565 (2020)

Here we present a synopsis of our study, where machine learning using wavefront data processed with a new polynomial decomposition basis is leading to accurate and precise prediction of spectacle correction.   The paper is available here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-65417-y Optical wavefront sensing using aberrometry is an objective method that allows mathematical reconstruction and analysis of lower […]

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An Alternative Wavefront Reconstruction Method for Human Eyes. Gatinel D, Rampat R, Dumas L, Malet J. Journal of Refractive Surgery, Février 2019

Cet article expose le bénéfice attendu en pratique clinique du choix d’une nouvelle base de modes d’aberrations pour la description des aberrations optiques de l’oeil humain. Il est accessibles sur le lien suivant: Alternative wavefront reconstruction for human eyes Plusieurs pages du site sont consacrées à ce thème: Novel Wavefront Decomposition Method

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Aberrations in keratoconus

In patients complaining of a reduction in optical quality, aberrometry is a key investigation. It offers the possibility to segregate between low order aberrations, which can be corrected by spectacles, and higher-order aberrations, which explain most of the visual disturbances that persist despite spectacle correction. However, as we will see in this example of a […]

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Aberrations post presby-LASIK

This clinical case provides a classic example of the limitations of the Zernike series to characterize the typical deformation of the ocular wavefront after LASIK surgery of hyperopia and presbyopia (« presby-LASIK »). Although the concept of using higher order aberrations such as negative spherical aberration to increase the ocular multifocality is well accepted, there has been […]

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Pre- and Post-LASIK aberrations comparison

Pre- and Post- LASIK aberrations with Standardized Zernike vs LD-HD wavefront reconstruction method We present another case to highlight the difference between the Zernike and LD-HD (Low Degree/High Degree) wavefront decompositions. As we will see in this case, the presence of Higher Order Aberrations (HOAs) not only result in an artefactual alteration of the low […]

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Novel Polynomial Decomposition: Clinical Examples

CLINICAL EXAMPLES: TAKING OUR THEORY TO YOUR CLINICAL PRACTICE! To aid understanding of the application of a novel wavefront decomposition method and polynomials (+read the JOSA A paper), we have created further clinical examples including clinical scenarios you will come across in your practice. Current wavefront sensors (read more about wavefront sensing) express the wavefront […]

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Novel Wavefront Decomposition Method

This page aims to serve as supporting information for a recently published novel polynomial decomposition method. We hope this will provide Ophthalmologists with a new basis for more accurate interpretation of the ocular wavefront. In this resource page, you will gain deeper insight into why Zernike Polynomials are currently NOT delivering what they promised.  One […]

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Zernike polynomials

The Zernike polynomials This page will focus on the use of Zernike polynomials for describing optical wavefronts. Before focusing on the Zernike polynomials, it is important to understand the basics of wavefront sensing. In ophthalmology and visual sciences, Zernike polynomials are mainly used to analyse the wavefront error of the human eye. It is also […]

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Wavefront sensing

WAVEFRONT SENSING CAN MAKE SENSE ! An introduction to help you familiarize yourself with the basics of WAVEFRONT ANALYSIS Target Audience : Clinicians and Ophthalmic Practitioners INTRODUCTION Since the emergence of wavefront sensing technology, there has been a resurgence of interest in Optical Wavefront Analysis as a subset of Adaptive Optics (AO). Previously, we were […]

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