Trifocal IOLs rank high in European Surgeon’s preferences. Ocular Surgery News U.S. Edition, December 10, 2018
Read: Trifocal IOLs rank high in European surgeons preferences
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En savoir plusThis paper focuses on the objective comparison of three premium intraocular lenses (IOLs) : one said monofocal achromatic with extended depth of focus (EDOF), one bifocal diffractive, one trifocal diffractive. All IOLs are made with an hydrophobic material. Abstract : Purpose To describe the optical performances of 3 types of diffractive hydrophobic intraocular […]
En savoir plusDesign optique de la première lentille intraoculaire diffractive trifocale (ajout de la vision intermédiaire) Pagnoulle C, Houbrechts Y, Gatinel D. Brevet / Patent : Intraocular lens – Lentille intra oculaire. Publication WO 2011/092169 A1 Design de la première lentille diffractive trifocale Gatinel D, Malet J, Azar DT. Ocular Wavefront Profiling. Application #: 20060176449 Class: 351246000 (USPTO). […]
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